Safety Before LNG
Exposing the truth about the Hess 'Shannon LNG' project
Negative Effects on the Shannon Estuary
Nevada LNG Explosion

Licensing Process

EPA Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC)Licence

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not yet (as of April 2010) even received an application for an IPPC Licence from Shannon LNG.

Development consent in Ireland is divided up into permission from An Bord Pleanála (dealing with non-pollution aspects of development consent) and the EPA (which deals with the pollution aspects of development consent).

Whereas An Bord Pleanála considers alternative sites, the EPA is not allowed to do so in comparing less-polluting alternatives.  This regulatory gap leads to the weak leadership of the EPA rubber-stamping IPPC licences to pollute and this is highlighted by the disregard Shannon LNG has had so far for pollution evaluation in that it has not yet applied for an IPPC licence and seems to be taking this particular licence as a foregone conclusion.

However, Dr. Mary Kelly, the director general of the EPA was quoted in the 'Irish Times' newspaper on October 9th 2008 as stating:

"Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) would have to be imposed on all major projects, while the State must comply with EU environmental legislation".

Given that the EU Commission has found in January 2010 that an SEA should have been undertaken for the Shannon LNG project, it will be interesting to see if Dr. Kelly will stand by her statement of October 2008, or if she will fold under the political pressure of big business and no longer request an SEA for this "major project".

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